Extend Spell Song

Extend Spell Song
List: Spell Singer
Cost: 3
Prereqs: Spell Singing Rank 4
Skill Type: Arcane
Tagged: No
Purchase: Once
Duration: Special

This skill allows the character to extend the range of the Heroism song. In order to use this skill effectively, there must be other Spell Singers who can hear the song in the area. The character starts their song and calls “Extension” at the end, then any other Spell Singer who heard the song can then take up the song and extend its range. The Spell Singers must still be able to hear the originator of the song in order to continue extending it.

Should one of the Spell Singers move too far away and can no longer hear the originator, they may move back in range and take up the song again. Only characters with the Spell Singer skill can extend the song. If the originator should stop singing, the song ends for everyone.

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